Improving Your Sleep

Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep each night, as many important processes happen in our body during this time of rest.
Modern life is affecting our ability to sleep in many ways, such as through being more busy day to day, feeling more stressed, exposure to light at the wrong times and our dietary habits. 

Here is some advice on how to improve your sleep without using medications! Remember that the key to success is not going to lie with doing just one thing.

Apply a few of these, be patient and give it time to work out the right routine for you.

  1. Get up and go to bed at the same 
  2. Get at least 20 minutes of daylight each day
  3. Develop a pre-sleep routine 
  4. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, comfortable and dark
  5. Reduce stimulating substances (coffee, cigarettes, alcohol)
  6. Try to avoid bright, overhead lights in the evening

If you’ve been lying in bed for 15 minutes or more unable to sleep, get up and do a short activity in another room such as fold the washing or read a book, taking care not to turn bright lights on or use screens before getting back into bed. If you’re a clock watcher remove the clock or cover it, as seeing the minutes tick by can be more frustrating and make things worse. Keep paper and pen by your bed to write down any circulating thoughts. 

Nobody has perfect sleep, and it is important not to worry if you’re struggling. Sometimes a disrupted routine is unavoidable, such as if you work shifts, or have a baby. If you’ve tried the above and your sleep problem persists or you have problems with excessive snoring, speak to your doctor.