Minor Surgery Feedback Form Minor Surgery Feedback "*" indicates required fields How helpful was patient and clinic information before the visit?* Very helpful Fairly helpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Not very helpful Not at all helpful I did not receive any information How convenient was the appointment?* Very convenient Fairly convenient Neither convenient or inconvenient Not very convenient Not at all convenient How helpful did you find the staff at the clinic?* Very helpful Fairly helpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Not very helpful Not at all helpful I did not receive any information How well did the doctor inform you and put you at ease?* Very well Fairly well Adequately well Not very well Not at all well How was the procedure compared to your expectations?* Much better Better No different Worse Much worse How would you rate our service overall?* Extremely good Good OK Not very good Not at all good How likely are you to recommend our clinic to friends or family if they need similar care?* Extremely likely Likely Neither likely or unlikely Unlikely Extremely unlikely Not sure Please explain the reason for your rating:*